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Starring: Val Acid Trace Drone I Drone II
Directed and Edited By: Michael Goodpaster
Release: November 2010

Synopsis: Digital
Lizard Productions has followed Chicago metal band Fashion Bomb for quite some time. Armed with all access passes, Digital Lizard managed to capture backstage antics, interviews with the band, interview with the fans, never before seen footage, and some of their best performances to date. Directed and edited by Michael Goodpaster, this documentary and concert film gives a candid look at Chicago’s next big thing.
A Word From The Director: "I was a fan of Fashion Bomb from the first time I saw them at Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago October of 2005. Off the bat we had a great working relationship and became friends over the years. From the start of Digital Lizard Productions in 2007 we have been shooting a majority of Fashion Bomb’s live performances. I have always being a fan of old concert documentaries like the old school classic, “Woodstock” to U2’s “Rattle & Hum” and the more recent “When You’re Strange”. There is just something magical about capturing a moment in a band’s evolution. With this documentary-slash-concert movie we get a glimpse behind the scenes, get answers to some serious and not so serious questions, and select performances of some of the band’s most popular songs. I will be the first to admit there is a sense of biasness. I am a fan and friend of Fashion Bomb. If I weren’t, I’d not of put hundreds of hours into this project. Their music, energy, drive, and flare is that of what makes great art. They are on the cusp of very big things and I’m confident this will provide great retrospect once they’re at a higher plateau. Personal opinion and tastes aside, that’s not what this project intended to accomplish. It all goes back to capturing that moment. I am confident that goal was accomplished." - Michael Goodpaster