4 Worst Wrestling Trends

In the 90's, I remember the word "Extreme" being tossed around a lot of promo. Now it's "Pro". Folks, putting "Pro" in an independent wrestling promotion's name isn't fooling anyone. Too many companies are copying off each other making themselves faceless in and already over-saturated "community". For reals, just call yourself "Generic Pro" and pass out some fliers. You'll get the same results.

I know this is me being picky, but it's my Top 4. I can't get behind knee strikes all that much. I know Punk and Cody Rhodes use knee strikes as their finishers and guys like Daniel Bryan use them a lot in their move set. This was a Japanese wrestling thing that started being "borrowed" by American indie wrestlers in droves in the early to mid 2000's. Then those guys made it to WWE and it carried on and became part of a regular thing. I just dig kicks and punches better in terms of “strikes”. The knee and elbows aren’t as grandeur. Sure sometimes a good knee can get a good pop, but it’s too dull. It’s like a passive aggressive MMA move. It’s nothing to make me not like anyone, but it’s just one of those little things you have to accept.

Names of wrestlers used to be creative and off the wall. "The Undertaker" or a "Hunter Hearst Helmsley" or a "Golddust" or a "Raven" or a "Mankind" or a "Vader". Names like this don't happen much anymore. It seems the common theme for WWE is to take the first or last name from a famous actor or athlete and put them out there. The names of people like "Daniel Bryan" are on the boring side. I could never see anyone named "Daniel Bryan" as a World Champion back in the day. It sounds too generic and too much like a "jobber name". At least they could include a good nickname. What would the name Bret Hart be without "The Hitman"? Ric Flair without "The Naturboy"? Or even AJ Styles without "Phenomenal"? Lame names look lame on lame posters...

Unless you're really old, professional westling as we know it is mainly thanks to Vince McMahon's brain. Armed with his ideas, he put together the right performers and right crew to put professional wrestling on the map. Without him it would be a circus sideshow taken WAY too seriously by old school "veterans". If I wanted to see people beat the shit out of each other I'd watch hockey. Vince made wrestling a show. The stories were big, the characters even bigger. He took all the chances, not anyone else. Sometimes his ideas sucked and people then lashed out as if he never got anything wrong and how he's destorying "the business"(HIS business, mind you). The same people forget about all the great moments and innovations Vince did actually bring to the table. That kind of snubbing is sad. Vince McMahon is taken for granted by most "internet" and "smark" fans. You watch a few shoot tapes where bitter washed up and often junkie former employees take jabs at the guy and you automatically take THEIR side? I'm sure the guy has made some bad and unpopular decisions, but it's like his entire existence is shunned and disregarded. If ANYTHING ever goes wrong the fans are quick on the draw to blame Vince, Triple H, "the writers", Stephanie, Linda McMahon's "campaign", or anyone and everyone but the actual performers. Shit don't work sometimes. Deal with it and move on. Basically, if you don't AT LEAST respect Vince McMahon then you have no place ANYWHERE near professional wrestling.

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