Top 4 Uses For Paper!

The true skill of paper football is the construction of the football itself. It’s basically a little triangle that you flick back and forth. This is something that happens in school or somewhere with paper and boredom. The problem here is that there are no real regulations. I think we should all agree on at least a 24 inch field. That’s only two feet, but this isn’t a field game. It’s a desk top war. The hand-made goal post is more iconic that Peyton Manning. That’s for sure.

Remember when “hash tags” were used as “pound signs” on the phone and for gruesome and intense games of tic tac toe. This is still a thing, right? It wasn’t too hard to do. It was a big hash tag and the objective was to take turns making X’s and O’s until one of you gets three of your assigned symbols in a row. When no one wins, you keep playing. It doesn’t matter how many trees are getting murdered. You MUST win. If starting off in the center doesn’t work, try going for opposite corners. More than likely, it’ll always potentially work!

This Japanese tradition of wasting paper has been around for a very long time. It’s ori meaning "folding", and kami meaning "paper". This is a pretty nifty skill. There are some really elaborate things that can be made with a simple piece of paper. It’s crafty and fun. I personally can make a cup and a blow-up box. I’ve seen frogs and flowers too. Just stop making the swans. They’re played out!

This was sort of like origami in its craft, but in reality it was “paper football” for girls and the injury reserves (hang nails and paper cuts). It was an interactive little thing where the folds in it were decided by picking a color, a number, and some other random bullshit. This was usually something that resulted in something mean or something to reveal who had a crush on you. Here’s the truth though. I was never taught how to make one of these things. I know. I know… Shame.

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