"Long Time, No Type"

It's been a long time. Sorry I left you. Without. . . a dope blog to read through? I don't know. It's been a treacherous few months. Not even sure how long it's been since I've written or taped anything. Besides DLP stuff, I've been sort of MIA, and for that I apologize. You might ask what I've been doing. I might tell you, but that's another entry for another day. The question is, how are you? Did you guys make it out of the Charlie Sheen thing ok? Not me. Like myself, are you concerned about any of the unfortunate Japanese exposed to the major levels of radio activity enough to the point where they possibly have super powers now? Real life Power Rangers, or some crazed Asian Spector Man would be a pain in this world's ass if you ask me. A pain we can't afford to deal with right now anyways.

I experienced some ups and downs during my little vacation. Let's talk downs first, because misery is a great introduction. I talked a friend of mine from the edge . . . and I mean that as simultaneously metaphoric and literal as possible. I won't get into the details of it, mainly because I genuinely cause normal, unsuicidal people to cry with my words, so I could only imagine what they would do to an unstable yet lovely and worthy of living creature such as her. After this "situation" occured, I went on a little trip. By went, I mean took, and by little trip, I mean an eigth of shrooms. You can see footage in my next Video Blog. I tried to experiment with the notion of thinking about all the negativity in my life, in which to garner some feelings of non self-wealth and thoughts of suicide during my trip. Come to find out, ethical egoism is a direct counteracting agent to suicide. For those not familiar with such terms, this means that my inflated sense of self awesomeness prevents me from just popping out my own batteries. They didn't call me Pride in my GINKru days, then kick me out for being the shit for nothing. You couldn't get rid of me if you tried. I'm like a walking, talking, way better looking and less infected case of herpes. Don't worry, my people are working on a better metaphoric comparison as we speak.

Oh. This just in. The mother of my child is now dating some kid with a horrible case of "rape-stache" (which is a rapist like mustache). I have affectionately named him B-Rabbit, for obvious reasons, one of them being that it's hilarious, and another being that it annoys my daughter's mother. I was told that making fun of him just makes me look dumb, however, in theory, it only makes me look dumb to him and her so, I think I'll be okay. I'm sure she'll bitch me out in regards to the above paragraph and the below footage, however, in my defense, I think it's safer to take shrooms than 22 year caucasian penis from Porter County, Indiana, but hey, that's just me I guess. I don't like my sex barefooted with overalls on, nah mean? Honestly though, I choose to not respect this kid simply because he didn't have the decency to be respectful enough to come at me in proper form. there's no way I see some guy with such a gay demeanor looking at me, but never introducing himself, meanwhile calling my daughter sweetie like some creep-tard step dad cho-mo.

Enough of the downs, let's talk ups. The Evans From the Heavens comedy experience is coming back home to the Region. I've came across some open mics in the area that might suit me well. After just getting back into the groove of things, then kind of laying low and redesigning my delivery, I'm ready to do what I've come to enjoy doing in front of some familiar faces. You know how hard it is doing Region tailored jokes on the Northside of Chicago? It's like Chris Brown window shopping for sympathy with a chair in his hand. . . . . . . . . . let it settle . . . . . play with the context . . . . . see? That wasn't so complicated of a joke, now was it? But yes, if you are in the Region, I should be doing some weekly things in Crown Point, Highland, and Schererville. Stay linked to Facebook for more details.

I met a girl. That's really all I can really say about it. Nothing major. Haven't even touched her. All I can say is, as Andy from Parks and Rec would say, she's awesome sauce and I like her. There's that whole possibility that I'll only have access to her friendship for the next few months, so I'm just taking it one day at a time. For the record, it had been about 6 years since I'd been on a date with someone who wasn't already penis deep in the bullshit that is Keith Evans, and let me say, pretty bad ass. It was like one of those reality show dates that goes well. The years off from these courting activities, however, has rendered my ability to read women useless. Not to mention this chick is pretty smart, academically AND common sense wise, so, I'm sure she runs circles around guys in her sleep. I'm gonna have to bring back the post NYC Keith. The Keith that is able to creatively impress the object of his affection with effortless charm and class. Ok, whatever, I just made all of that up, but that's what I'm going for. Stay tuned.

In other news, fresh off of the excitement of Radiohead's new release, I find out that Incubus is releasing their seventh studio album in July. The term "awesome sauce" is required. The 1st single (or leak, who knows which is which anymore) is Adolescents. this song follows the whole vibe of Light Grenades, the band's last full length release. Like any Incubus album, whether subtly or abruptly, it is sure to introduce a new side to their sound. People like to bitch that Incubus, or any musical act for that matter, should never stray away from their original sound. That, or the whole hipster-ish "they sounded better when they first came out" or "they should go back to their old sound". Their are instances where this is true. With that being said, there are also instances where just like humans, animals, and flowers, the musical identity of bands just change with age. People grow. And when it comes to groups of people, there's even more room for branching out and the acquiring different life experiences, which always reflect through ones art. Sorry you stayed the same your whole life, but it doesn't mean all the shit you like has to. This world don't revolve around your slack ass life. Incubus has definitely established a tone, however their sound is ever changing, and I applaud it. Anyways, "If Not Now, When?" will be something to hear. For those of you who don't know who Incubus even are, I suggest you do your homework, cop this 7th album when it's released, then kill yourself, because honestly, if it took you till 2011 to enjoy Incubus (pun intended) then you shouldn't be alive anyway.

Ironically enough, my friend whom I renegotiated life with, she hates Incubus. This would be the first time I supported someone NOT getting what they probably deserve.

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