[BLOG] Estrogen Nut
"The Hunger Project"

Catch a fish to feed a man and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

We are you we are:
"The Hunger Project (THP) is a global, non-profit, strategic organization committed to the sustainable end of world hunger. In Africa, South Asia and Latin America, THP seeks to end hunger and poverty by empowering people to lead lives of self-reliance, meet their own basic needs and build better futures for their children."

Previously I had talked about an organization that helps bring food to starving children & how they teach them the theory of food so that they may make their own food and never starve. I find that hunger is such a large problem in our would that I think a second charity that assists in the same basic needs needs to be cared for just as much.

How we do it:
"The Hunger Project carries out its mission through three essential activities: mobilizing village clusters at the grassroots level to build self-reliance, empowering women as key change agents, and forging effective partnerships with local government."

I think its magical that not only are we sending food to starving beings, but were teaching them how to sustain their life their selves. Also might I point out that they are empowering & teaching women. Most people say these places are starving because of past bad decisions the government has made, what a noble idea, start there and help the government reevaluate their decisions to better choose things that are right for their citizens, who are after all, the people that the government is there for (in theory)

Vision is a great thing:
"Our vision of the future is not based on everyone achieving a high-consumption lifestyle, which is environmentally unsustainable. Nor does it permit one-sixth of the human family to continue to live in abject poverty. The Hunger Project is committed to transcending this polarity and creating a future that rejects the inevitability of hunger and recognizes the limitations of a consumerist society.
Achieving the sustainable end of hunger means creating a new future for all humanity, a future where
- Every day, every person has enough of the right food to be healthy and productive;
- Babies are born healthy and strong, and girl babies are prized as much as boy babies;
- Children stay alive, so parents can have smaller families;
- Women and girls are full partners in society;
- People have control over their own lives and destinies, and all individuals have a chance to contribute; and
- The values of honoring human beings and nature flourish."

I don't think my words can express how commendable all the above points are. I really believe they are re-teaching these people how to care & how to respect. If only such values - that were lost a very long time ago worldwide - could be spread just as rapid as world hunger.

When you sit down this evening for dinner or even as you snack now reading this, think about starving people. They do not have a meal right now, not even a snack, their bellies ping with pain and a mother is sad, as she does not know where the next meal to feed her child will come from. Then think about how you can help.

To donate or learn more about the global hunger project, visit:

(P.s. The Global Hunger project is insured by the Better Business Bureau)

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