[BLOG] Estrogen Nut
"Thank You Indiana…"

Thank you Indiana…

In news this week it was found that a portage Indiana high school boy was arrested for blackmail. He was reportable blackmailing a girl with a nude photo of her for her sax.

I’m sorry did you read that right? Her sAx NOT sEx.

No, this is not an old Gilda Radner sketch (sax/violins=sex/violence. Ha. Man. EPIC!). I mean the instrument… not fornication.

A good article about it can be found here: nydailynews.com

A short summery would be. Boy’s sax breaks. Band teacher tells him to borrow it from girl because girl is not using her sax. Girl refuses to partake in sax lending. Boy reminds girl he has a nude photo of her (& another friend. Some even with interaction) and will post it on MySpace. Girl tells mom. Boy gets arrested on kiddie porn charges…

From the above summery I have a few questions:

1) Why did he have said nude photos? Well, because girl said she has low self esteem & decided to send them to all sorts of boys… I'm sorry; when I had low self-esteem I didn’t want anybody to see my body… I didn’t put it out there for every one to see

2) Why is boy only at fault? If this girl sent the photos to multiple people voluntarily should she not get in trouble for disbursing kiddie porn? Yes it was of herself, but hello she’s fourteen, she cannot even legally consent. I deff think she has so fault in this. Not saying it was right of the boy to blackmail her but she has some fault


3) MYSPACE?!?!?! Come on, who even checks theirs anymore?? I think the mention of MySpace was sympathetic. He didn’t really want to hurt the girl. Just scare her. If he meant any harm he would have chosen FaceBook.

Mad props to the principle that blamed some of this on the parents. I totally agree – they should pay more attention to their 14 year old that is sexting photos of herself & herself & others committing lesbian acts. Pay attention to the son who is receiving sexts. Buy your son his instrument – the horrors of a guy having to go through life without sax! And helloooooooo didn’t this girl ever learn to share! (Her belongings – not her who-ha!)

But anyway, that’s what we get for living in Northwest Indiana – MySpace Craze & Blackmailing for Sax.

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