Mission: Social Media Rehab
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Digital Lizard Productions LLC strives on being interactive and accessible to all fans, casual supporters and even the "pop in" viewers here for one or two visits.

A big part of the engagement between anyone these days is social media. Cutting straight to the chase, this has been an area that DLP has neglected. By not keeping up, DLP has seen it's presence on sites like Facebook and twitter dwindle.

Until now.

DLP has officially declared a goal to expand its social media relations with what the DLP offices have dubbed "Mission : Social Media Rehab".

“Mission : Social Media Rehab” is an ongoing objective to get Digital Lizard's Facebook and Twitter pages up to speed. What the "Mission : Social Media Rehab" means is that DLP engages it's fans in daily updates, puts out exclusive and breaking news pieces and shares in the FULL Digital Lizard experience. If you've been to the Facebook page, you'd quickly see the focus has begun.

The next step?

1.) Like us on facebook.
2.) Follow us on twitter.
3.) Share us with everyone.
4.) Live the lizard.

Thanks! -Mike

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- DLP News
- The Savage Animal
- Random Movie Review
- rant/n/rave
- PreView:ReView
- Worst Case Scenario

- The Moving Men
- All the Love in the World
- Upping The Ante
- Behind The Lifted Veil (doc)
- Local Hero (stand up special)

- First World Answers
- Rockstar Wrestling
- Unpaid Programming
- DLP Presents...
- Nocturnal Emissions
- Maniak Moments
- Stand Up Suicide
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