Week In Review 5/18/14
Digital Lizard Productions in review for the third week of May 2014.

I’m tired. So so tired.

”FIRST WORLD ANSWERS”: 8 Weeks of Enlightenment!!
We’ve wrapped the eighth week of “First World Answers” with a few very well received questions and my favorite episode so far. “Who Is The Best Franco?” and “Rock, Paper, or Scissors?” got some interesting responses from some of DLP’s most valued supporters while the other three questions of the week got some really great feedback. “What is the Best Baseball Movie Ever?” was answered by Keith and I, but a few folks chimed in with perfectly acceptable answers to the question. “What is the Mount Rushmore of ECW?” popped up on a hand full of pages on Facebook and generated a few really awesome discussions on the topic. We try to get in one professional wrestling question a week and they seem to be pretty popular. We have a list of upcoming topics that’s always growing and there are quite a few good ‘rasslin discussions on deck. Then there is my favorite episode so far! “What Was the Most Dramatic Sitcom Moment?” was a fun discussion that saw Keith and I go back and forth for nearly fifteen minutes talking about some of the most entertaining and memorable “drama” moments from sitcom history. We covered a few big ones, but the comments really blew me away. It was a fun topic to ramble about. They’re all fun on different levels and for different reasons, but this one stood out to me as being especially enjoyable. I hope it was as fun to watch and absorb as it was for us to make. This is a mission we have for EVERY episode, but episodes like this are why I wanted to run with this web show idea out of the literal thousands we’ve had over the years.

This week was a solid line-up, but I think next week could actually top it because we dig into some really fun topics and answer some of the most entertaining “first world problems” thus far.

If you missed ANY of last week’s episodes you can find them below. Watch & Comment!:
036 : What is the Best Baseball Movie Ever?
037: What is the Mount Rushmore of ECW?
038 : Who is the Best Franco?
039 : Rock, Paper, or Scissors? Why?
040 : What Was the Most Dramatic Sitcom Moment?

Here’s the line-up of “first world problems” that we’ll be providing “FIRST WORLD ANSWERS” to this upcoming week:
041 : What is the Best Monopoly Piece?
042 : Who is a Better Rapper? Nick Cannon or Fred Durst?
043 : Best Nickname for Female Breasts?
044 : What is the Worst Nickname for Penis?
045 : What is the Best Eddie Murphy Character?
-Click Here for ALL the Episodes!-

Local Hero: Comedian Cut: May 28th!
The “Local Hero: Comedian Cut” web special is “in the can” as production people would say. This doesn’t mean it’s in the butt, which I suppose is totally up to you; it means that the final draft is rendered and saved. The web special is saved, cool looking, and ready to be released. It would be easy to just upload it and put it out there, but I want to finish up some work on the promotional side of it. As of writing this I need to finalize the press releases, set up the pages and links on DigitalLizardProductions.com, and really make sure that it gets viewed by the most people possible.

In 2012, DLP released “Keith Evans: Local Hero”, a 41 minute standup comedy DVD special that saw DLP’s own Keith Evans showcase his current work with a hot crowd in Crown Point, Indiana. He rocked the show, but since then he has grown leaps and bounds as a performer and comedy writer. In this release Keith sits down and watches the special with you and shares his insight on jokes, what he was thinking, and what’s on his mind in them moment. Essentially, it’s a rare opportunity to watch a comedy show with the comedian behind it. You get to experience watching Keith Evans while watching Keith Evans. It’s one part “retrospective”, one part “commentary” and many parts “funny”.

So as of now, the official “release date” for “Local Hero: Comedian Cut” will be MAY 28th! This gives everyone a chance to watch the actual “Local Hero” release, catch up, enjoy the upcoming three day weekend and prepare for the “laughs behind the laughs” so to speak.

Digital Lizard Productions doesn’t “push the envelope”, it shreds it and uses the remains as D-I-Y confetti. We have made movies, web series, comedy series, released archived wrestling matches, and have kicked major booty with hour upon hour of content. We love our comedy related material, but we’re much more than that. We are going to be going into production for a new project soon that’s main focus is the “region” of Northwest Indiana. We’re considered “Chicagoland”, but we still have the stigma of the redneck Indiana stink. There’s more to us than that. Our area is made up of hard workers, good people, and fun times. This project will display that with a twist and a style that only DLP can pull off.

More on this in the upcoming weeks!

This week I said "Goodbye" to 8 years of writing weekly “Savage Animal” columns on 411mania.com and DLP with background on my passion for music, my love for the band Fashion Bomb and an outlook of what's on deck for the future of my words! Be a good person and prove that I can go out on top after nearly a decade of music rambles!

KL dropped her latest edition of “The Bump Journal”. In this week’s run she shared some really inspiring words about not giving up and told a story about a few assholes that have attempted to make her time training in wrestling less than enjoyable or encouraging. I’m proud of her for not letting this really get to her all that much because these dudes are pretty transparent. It’s an eye-opener for sure. People who are involved with a faith-based company, a family aimed company, and that pride themselves on being a positive part of the community CAN be assholes too.

She’s not going to give up and before too long she’ll be heading to bigger and better things. In wrestling, in Digital Lizard Productions and in life. If cream really does rise to the top then KL is as creamy as they come. I don’t care how weird that sounded. I’m not hitting the backspace. Fight the power!

I also put out another Random Movie Review, a Preview Review, a Rant/N/Rave, and a new Worst Case Scenario. I have officially cut “Preview:Reviews” from the website. I enjoy watching movie trailers, but being forced to watch and write about them every week is tedious and the view count reflects the lack of need for such a thing. The extra time will allow me to focus on more production projects and reach goals faster. I keep saying that “time is currency” and this extra time will not go to waste.

Need video work? Design? Brand marketing? Look no further! I've finally caught up with a few of my own projects and work and am taking on some new freelance projects. Let me capture your vision on video or help you gain more attention to your business or product.
-Click Here for the DLP Promotions Website!-

Stay tuned!

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- DLP News
- The Savage Animal
- Random Movie Review
- rant/n/rave
- PreView:ReView
- Worst Case Scenario

- The Moving Men
- All the Love in the World
- Upping The Ante
- Behind The Lifted Veil (doc)
- Local Hero (stand up special)

- First World Answers
- Rockstar Wrestling
- Unpaid Programming
- DLP Presents...
- Nocturnal Emissions
- Maniak Moments
- Stand Up Suicide
- Random Videos

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- Links