Larry Crowne

This is a movie that I’ll most likely never see, at least on purpose. It sucks too because I like Tom Hanks a lot, Julia Roberts, Bryan Cranston!!!, and a few others on the supporting cast. This is billed as a dramatic comedy, but let’s face the facts here. It’s a “smart” romantic comedy. It reminds me of that Meryl Streep, Steve Martin, Alec Baldwin movie from a few years ago. Great cast, kind of witty script, and a ah-shucks pleasant experience. The movie looks charming enough, but it’s just not my cup of tea. It seems a little too fluffy for my liking. I like the fact that Tom Hanks is playing a “real person” again, but the plot just feels like it was ripped from a dozen different independent movies. It feels done before. There’s nothing here that excites me as a fan of film or as a fan of those involved. If anything it’s a little annoying because I would love to see Tom Hanks do something a little more edgy, Bryan Cranston in a lead role, and in general everyone doing something else. This movie is going to be a waste of time, but for those involved I wish them the best. That “Eat, Sleep, Poop” movie Julia Roberts did a little while ago did really good so I’m sure this one will too. Soccer moms and white zinfandel drinkers unite!


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