Conan The Barbarian

There is a good chance I’ll never see this movie and I’m perfectly okay with that. It’s just not my cup of tea. I’m not a sword and dragon kind of guy. It’s just not my cup of tea. The difference here is that this looks really well done. The cinematography and visuals look nice. It’s being released in 3D so I’m sure they have some awesome moments. Would those moments translate into home viewing? Nope. They’ve done a less than thrilling effort in building up this movie. I just don’t think it’s something that’s going to have substance. It just comes off like a typical 3D pop corn flick. Then I find out it’s R rated, which gives it potential to be a bloody fun time… AND it’s produced by Lionsgate? Wow. I’m almost convincing myself to want to give it a chance. On second thought, nah. Enjoy it if it’s your thing.

RELEASE DATE - 08/19/11

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