
This movie pretty much came out of nowhere. Here is an action movie where Zoe Saldana plays an assassin who is out to hunt down her parents murderers. So it’s like Batman in that sense. She’s a kid and sees her parents killed so she trains and works for her uncle. I’ve not read ANY reviews or spoilers, but who wants to bet that her uncle either gets killed or had something to do with parents murders? Who DOESN’T see that coming? It looks like any random other action movie that comes out these days that feature a bad ass female assassin type. It looks like Hanna, it looks like Domino, it looks like all of those movies. Am I being cynical? Yes. The truth of the matter is that I’m probably going to sit down and watch this movie in the future and I’m going to want it not to suck. I don’t want to get my hopes up because movies like this are more often miss than hit. I like Zoe Saldana. She’s a cool actress and I see no reason she can’t pull this off, but there are so many factors that could make this weird movie a flop that it’s disheartening.

RELEASE DATE - 08/26/11

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