The Raven

This movie HAS to rock. It’s a movie about Edgar Allan Poe and it’s starring John Cusack. Cusack is easily one of my top five favorite actors of all time. He’s entertaining and seems to pick really interesting and fun roles all the time. The movie takes a crazy surreal approach to things. It’s a fictional account of Poe’s last days. He joins forces with a young detective to hunt down a crazy serial killer. I don’t know really anyone else in the cast. Alice Eve is in it. She was the “She” in “She’s Out Of My League”. That was a fun and underappreciated movie. I think the fact that we get Cusack in a great role and an interesting plot is more than enough to make this movie “highly anticipated”. Sadly, I’m not all that into “mystery thrillers”. It’s always good for one viewing where all the twists and spins are shocking and fresh, but I never found them that rewatchable after that. With this movie falling into that sensibility I’m worried that this movie will go on as something disposable and forgettable. It pretty much purely rides on how much Cusack brings to the table. That’s always a bet worth taking.


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