Marvel’s The Avengers

Joss Whedon wrote and directed this. That gives it some cred for sure, but I’m still not 100% about this. We’ve heard about this movie for years now. Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) gets a group of super heroes together to fight off some really bad enemy that’s threatening the world. The super heroes include Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Hemworth as Thor, Chris Evans as Captain America, Mark Ruffalo as Hulk, and a hand full of others. It’s like a comic book nerd’s wet dream. All of these huge characters coming together for one mission has to be great. If the story sucks then the movie will suck, but the ingredients they have here are solid. I can’t see many upcoming movies that don’t have “Directed by Christopher Nolan” on the opening credits being this big. It’s not like they’ve not put in the effort. Those Iron Man movies are a great guilty pleasure and the Thor and Captain America movies were WAY better than anyone expected. I’ll even go as far as saying the last Ed Norton “Hulk” was damn good. I wish they’d have worked it out with him. Ed Norton as “Bruce Banner” on top of this awesome cast would have just been the icing on the cake. I’m not on pins and needles to see this or anything, but I can’t imagine not watching it as soon as I get the chance. This should great in 3D.


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