Men In Black 3

Whoever asked for this… Well, as they say… YOU asked for it! Why is this movie being made? Did we need a sequel to Men in Black? The first two were fine. Why a sequel a million years later? This franchise was solid, but I don’t think it’ll be THAT huge. I have a feeling this movie could flop, but I’ve been proven wrong on way sillier things before. Will Smith time travels into the 60’s to work with Tommy Lee Jone’s younger’s self played by Josh Brolin. We also get Alice Eve, Jermaine Clement, and the always awesome Bill Hader in support roles. I’m sure this movie could be decent, but I’m just not feeling it for some reason. Something about this trailer and movie feels really forced. And dammit… is Rip Torn even in this?

RELEASE DATE - 5/25/12

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