The Amazing Spiderman

I’m not as open minded to this as I say I am. The truth of the matter is that I really don’t care much about this movie. I enjoyed the recent trilogy as a whole. The performances and tone was good. I’ve never been a huge Spiderman fan so sitting through his origin story again isn’t someone I want to do. I’m not sure how I feel about Andrew Garfield. He’s been good in the stuff I’ve seen him in, but he just doesn’t have a relatable presence to him as I’d hope such a lovable superhero would have. The trailer makes the character seem snarky. It’s interesting they’re going with more of a teenage route for him and Emma Stone showing up as “Gwen Stacey” is welcomed. Other than that, there just isn’t much going on here. This whole thing just feels like it’s leading up to disappointment. There are a lot of big action movies coming out. I’m sure this will make its money back, but this just screams “forgettable”. I have negative vibes going in, but I’m still going to watch it with as open of a mind as possible. I could just be subconsciously lowering my expectations so I like it better when I do finally watch it. I dunno though. A snarky teenage Spiderman who doesn’t have a relatable presence fighting off a big lizard? We’ll see…


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