Evil Dead

When I first heard about the remake of Evil Dead I was kind of pissed. Evil Dead is the epitome of a “D-I-Y” movie gone good. It was such a great story with great and iconic results. This is a movie that opened the careers of the Ramis and Bruce Campbell up to the world and made a lot of aspiring filmmaking nerds feel like anything was possible. Why remake it? Because EVERYTHING gets remade, that’s why. I was turned off by this until I saw the trailer. This trailer looks way more serious than the original and way more graphic. They got a solid young cast and I’m actually confident and excited after seeing this trailer. The trailer is uncomfortable, violent, gets in a few of the familiar beats, and seems like something completely different. I expect to watch this movie, smile at certain familiar things, frown at things being changed, and before it’s over forget I’m watching a remake. If this can somehow re-introduce “the boom stick” back into the world then I’m all about it.

RELEASE DATE - 4/12/13

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