The Lords of Salem

Rob Zombie’s movies are definitely his own. He has a certain style that’s his. It’s not so much of a “throw back” style, but full of influence and homage. Unlike other big name directors, he’s not ripping off old school cult hits or “cool” foreign movies. Not everything is on the same level. I think “The Devil’s Rejects” is easily his best movie. It’s at least my favorite of the bunch. This movie could easily give it a run for its money. The idea behind it is pretty cool. We see a wacky local radio team get stuck into a world of evil witches. That’s about it if we want to get general about it. Then you watch this trailer and you see just how intense and bizarre it is. THAT is what you want in a dramatic and artistic horror movie. This trailer is awesome.

RELEASE DATE - 4/26/13

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