About Time

I’m a huge sucker for time travel movies. The concept has always been awesome and since “Back to the Future” and “Bill and Teds”, it’s been something I’ll watch no matter what. There are some bad time travel movies, but you just have to gut it out. At the same time, I’m not a shame to admit that I’m a sucker for good romantic comedies, especially the English ones like “Love, Actually”. All of that comes together in this movie. Domhnall Gleeson is told by his father, Bill Nighy, that the men in his family can time travel. Hilarity and love ensues. The concept is cool off the bat, but then we factor in that the love interest is the lovely Rachel McAdams. He uses the time traveling to woo her, give her the perfect proposal, and to save their relationship. I’m not expecting this movie to blow up huge or change the world, but I’m interested in checking it out. This could easily be the sleeper of the year.

RELEASE DATE - 11/01/13

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