
Alexander Payne makes really good movies. He makes interesting movies that might not always get the attention, but he stays true to his story. He takes you on a journey and presents movies of genuine substance. This time out he’s directing Bob Nelson’s script about a grumpy old guy who thinks he won a million dollars from one of those scam sweepstakes things. He decides to go on a road trip to get his money and is joined by his reluctant son. The old guy is played by the awesome Bruce Dern and the son is played by SNL alumni Will Forte. That’s a really interesting combination to say the least. We also get the likes of Stacy Keach and the scene-stealing pro Bob Odenkirk. This could fall under the radar or it could gain tons of attention and praise. Knowing Payne’s track record this movie could make the career of Will Forte and add another revitalized moment to the awesome run that Bruce Dern has had so far. If it’s loved or ignored, I just know I want to see it.

RELEASE DATE - 11/22/13

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