Dallas Buyers Club

This movie looks really interesting. I’m a casual fan of Matthew McConaughy. By that I mean I think he’s a fine actor and adds to anything he’s in, but he’s not necessarily an actor that’ll make me rush out to my local theatre. This movie still sounds like something that borders on “performance of a lifetime” and “Oscar bait”. For the movie, McConaughy plays a normal Texas man. The man finds himself in a horrible situation, he’s tested as HIV Positive. So with being told he has 30 days to life, he starts experimenting with legal and illegal drugs. This leads to him hanging on and putting his foot down against the ridiculous laws. This movie has really good timing. People are being destroyed by medical bills while others avoid health care all together because they know it’s not in the cards for them. I read that McConaughy lost TONS of weight for this role, which is always interesting for an actor to do. Jennifer Garner and Jared Leto are in this movie too, so that’s one plus and one meh to the movie’s credit. I have a hard time believing this movie won ‘t be around come award season.

RELEASE DATE - 12/06/13

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