Lone Survivor

On the surface I want to be jaded and say this movie is going to be hokey. I’m sure it’s be good, but it’d be one of those inspiring action packed war movies that glorify war by displaying the soul-crushing survival parts of it. Then at the end, the flag will wave and manly eyes will have tears begin to swell. But I’m going to be more open minded. This is written and directed by Peter Berg and he’s not one to just toss out some trite shit. He casted some awesome people like Ben Foster, Eric Bana, and Emile Hirsch on top of stars like Taylor Kitsch and Mark Wahlberg. It’s based on a true story, but it looks to have some emotive elements that “Zero Dark Thirty” didn’t really have. I’m not sure how exciting I am to watch this, but I know I want to. For a movie like this, I feel like I would need to be prepared for a rollercoaster of action. Sometimes you just know a movie is going to be exhausting, but art that challenges you is the best art so I’m in.

RELEASE DATE - 1/10/2014

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