Miley Cyrus is a Junkie

Miley Cyrus is such a junkie. The fine folks at TMZ posted a video of her smoking out of a bong. Yes, A BONG! She held the tube-like pipe to her mouth, let it fill full of smoke, released the carb, and INHALED SMOKE! Normally this act is done with good old fashion marijuana, but today’s kids are out of touch. This newly aged 18 year old celebrity and a lot of people out there used Salvia to smoke with. Salvia is sold in stores and is legal in most places. I once bought… er… saw it at Dreamquest in the mall. I don’t know if Dreamquest is a chain or not, but it’s one of those stores that looks like where a wizard would go to stock up on stuff. There are a lot of dragons, old martial arts type of things, and a small selection of herbs and spices. Pretty much the only thing separating this store from a head shop in the first place is that the tye-dye is replaced with replica props from Lord of the Rings. It’s a pretty nerdy place and salvia is a pretty nerdy drug. It makes you hallucinate for a little while, but I’m convinced it’s a placebo for people to pretend about their big crazy “trips”. The same with synthetic weed. It’s legal in most places now too, but it’s pretty lame. It smells bad, tastes bad, and it’s nowhere close to how real pot rocks. So basically, Miley didn’t even do anything wrong. That’s why annoys me about this whole situation. She’s getting hated on for inhaling a legal herb that’s not weed. Now her dad, her fans, stuck up people, Republicans, Bill O’Reilly, and everyone are up in arms over it. This is bullshit. Salvia is not a “gate-way drug” to anything but pretend giggles. This is not weed, coke, booze, or anything close to a Spears or Winehouse meltdown. She smoked some incense and pretended to be high. I’m not one to wish her any harm, but it’s only fair she does something worth this kind of outpour and attention. Like her music and public persona, even Miley Cyrus’s “meltdowns” are boring and void of any real soul. At least kick a puppy or something.

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