Racism is the New Republican

For the record, you’re not racist because you ignorantly talk shit about President Obama. The truth of the matter is that you ignorantly talk shit about President Obama because odds are you ARE racist. There’s a fine line between an educated discussion and a farting contest. Over the past few days, I’ve really taken notice to what people are saying on their facebooks and in response to the slaying of super terrorist Usama Bin Ladin. I’ve come to notice that most people are just stupid.

The last guy literally ruined the country and thus left President Obama with the task of fixing it. Not just education, which he has put good stuff in motion that will ultimately result in more people being able to achieve a higher education. Not just health care, which we’ll see health care reformed in ways our country has never seen. Not just the whole gays in the military issue, which he kindly caught USA up with the year 1995 on. Oh yeah… HIS military killed Usama Bin Ladin, the dude responsible for the horrific events of 9/11.

None of this matters to some people. They wanted his birth certificate because he “wasn’t born in America”. He provided that and people will STILL claim it’s a fake. Whatever. There are plenty of hateful things that people say about the President. I literally read REALLY IGNORANT PEOPLE post on their facebooks with things like “it’s not a “win” for Obama” because he didn’t physically kill Usama himself and that “I put my money on it was all an accident”. Another winner says it only happened now “to get more votes”. I read one person show happiness Usama Bin Laden was killed but was actually upset about it because “this will boost Obama’s chances for another term”.

To me, it comes down to three people…

Real Republicans. They DO exist. When politics aren’t treated like a flavor of the week, people do have their preferences. I’m obviously not on their team, but I can at least respect a well formed opinion. Some folks just don’t like his policy. I’m SURE Alex P. Keaton would school me on why he thinks President Obama is bad. The problem is that those who are anti-Obama mainly fit in one or both of the following groups.

Stupid People. They got on board with the bandwagon and trend in 2008 and voted for President Obama. No idea on what government is… no idea on how things work… no idea on WHAT they’re voting for. It was just a popularity thing for some people. Now that the world wasn’t magically fixed in a year or two they’re going to complain. You’re stupid. Stick with voting for American Idol.

Racists. Yep. Flat out… people are bigots. In their simple mind a black man should not be running the country. They won’t admit this. They’ll use blanket judgments and go on and on about how President Obama is ruining the country. Their reasons? Bullshit. They will single out a singular event. The republicans, Sarah Palin, tried to do this with “Joe Sixpack”. That turned out well. Maybe someone they know lost a job or something. Screw the fact that these financial hardships are because of former President Bush. There are people I know who go out their ways to be anti-Obama. These are the same people that I for a FACT know are racist pieces of shit. This is what it comes down to. It’s sad. I’m glad I didn’t come up during the struggles of civil rights because I’d probably be a pretty lonely guy.

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