WWE Night of Champions Review

I figured they’d start off the show with the four way US Title match, but they went with the Tag Title match instead. It made sense. Air Boom can easily get a crowd into it with the high spots and Miz and Truth are great heels. It set a solid tone for the show despite the weird “controversial” ending. Air Boom retain and Miz and Truth don’t lose any heat. There is just something about Ted DiBiase that I can’t get behind. He’s way too vanilla. He’s better than Alex Riley, but that’s not saying much. If anyone is going to get him to come out of his shell and start not sucking its Cody Rhodes. The match was decent, but Ted is just boring. Cody won and that was the right pick. I really like the idea that they took a few minutes in the ring to have Christian and Sheamus work a promo. People will bitch and say they should have fought or that time should have been used elsewhere, but I think the idea of them getting a plot point in their storyline highlighted at a pay per view and neither of them had to get dressed. It wasn’t THAT long and it served a purpose. If the show is solid, moments like this are sprinkles on the cake. If the show sucks, this is the first segment people will go after. One of the matches I was most excited about was the Four Way US Title Match. I don’t think Alex Riley should have been in it, but I’ll take what I can get. Yay, midcard title on PPV! I wouldn’t have been upset if Morrison got the strap, but I’m cool with Dolph getting the win. He’s a solid champ and I think he’s on his way to the top of the card in proper time.

Then we saw Mark Henry FINALLY get the World Title. He and Orton had a great match. It reminded me of Flair vs. Vader from the early 90’s. I’ve been a fan of Mark Henry for years. People have thought I was joking for quite some time. It’s been this way since around 2000. I just like the guy and I totally get what he does and what he role is in the world of wrestling. I respect the hell out of him for doing it so well and consistently for years. He’s never been the top heel, but he’s the perfect number two heel on a show and can fill in a solid face spot on a roster if needed as well. He’s a great utility guy. He finally has the strap and I’m happy. It’s like when a shoe-in Hall of Famer in baseball hits their 3000th hit to all but seal it up. That said, I would love to see him have a long reign. The Kelly Kelly/Beth match was surprising as hell. They killed each other and the crowd’s reaction to Beth was the best pop I’ve heard ANY current diva get. I’m mildly interested in where they’re going with a diva storyline. Color me shocked! Then right in the middle of the show I find myself needing to get up, stretch, get something to drink, go to the restroom, do some old unfinished homework from sixth grade, file my taxes, and tap dance. What a coincidence? John Cena’s match is right there in the middle of the show. I want to fully get behind Del Rio. I like him and he brings something different to the table. I’m just not going to pay attention to him when he wrestle’s Cena. The crowd seemed to have felt the same way. They did a dueling chant of “Lets Go Cena!” and “Cena Sucks!”. It’s not so much that ANYONE cares about Del Rio, but they just have really strong opinions of Cena. Lame. Cena wins. He’s now a million time champion and the world of wrestling just became a lot less cool. I was digging this show until this point. The main event was really solid. I thought I was going to hate the match, but it was good. Triple H sold for CM Punk like he was a worthy foe. Triple H’s run as Owner isn’t over yet so it was obvious he was going to win this. Also obvious was that Kevin Nash interfering. The only thing surprising here was the interference of Miz and Truth and the match quality itself. I remember back in the day they’d have cage matches after big matches where everyone interfered. This always made a feud bigger and better with the whole “No one gets in! No one gets out!” type of hype. That’s what’s up here. The next PPV is Hell in the Cell and its 2 weeks away. I wonder if they’ll have a rematch in the Cell? Ugh. Overall, a solid show in spite of the predictability.

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