Internet Assholes in 2012

The times are a changing. The problem here is that humanity and society is taking too long to catch up. When the internet and all of that fun modern technology was taking shape in the late 90’s and early 00’s things were WAY different. We’d use America Online Instant Messenger to talk on the internet. Chat rooms were running rampant. Getting “TOS’ed” was a problem and “a/s/l?” was a really creepy way to start a conversation. Message boards were fun ways to share information and downloading a song was an afternoon event. The times are a changing.

I should feel old, but I don’t. As much as things change, they stay the same. In the past the internet would feature face-less assholes. You’d call them “trolls” now a days, but back in the day they were just assholes. They’d pick internet fights, shit on people’s opinions, and just put an overall negative vibe into the world wide web. You could almost pity these people back in the day. You could just take a step back and just think about how miserable and sad the asshole’s life must be and how they’re just lashing out at the internet as their outlet. Yeah, get all deep with it.

The problem is that in 2012, the internet is at everyone’s finger tips. The “face-less outlet” excuse is bullshit and no more. The internet had become part of how the masses communicate. If you’re an asshole on the internet, you’re an asshole in life. That’s all I’m saying…

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