Sean Hayes Is An Ignorant & Ungrateful Snob

Reports went out that 'Three Stooges' actor Sean Hayes appeared on Conan and said he was embarrassed to host WWE RAW. To be fair, if you watch the video he doesn’t outright say he was “embarrassed”. He doesn’t directly shit talk wrestling, but his tone and attitude towards the experience and the WWE in general seems to be that it’s beneath him and that he lowered himself to be there.

CM Punk took to Twitter: "Holy crap, so the douche who's playing Larry in the stooges movie says he was embarrassed to be on raw? But he's in the stooges movie?!!??"

Yeah, Punk… AND he’s from Chicago. Go figure. Hayes dismissed the claims with a Tweet of his own. “Sorry to all of the @WWE fans who misunderstood or were offended by my comments about the sport. No offense was ever, ever intended.”

Intended or not, it should be a sign. The WWE should not be bringing in these unappreciative and ignorant celebrities to push their shit if they’re not going to be respectful of the product. It’s also a sign that Sean Hayes is a bad actor. If “no offense was ever, ever intended” then his range is limited. It’s all in the tone. His snark-castic line about RAW being “high-brow” was shitty. His snark-castic line about it being “quality television” was shitty. His shitty line about how “it’s the last place he’d be” was shitty. He then went on to mock the ring work of WWE divas. Again… “shitty.”

He was on the sitcom “Will and Grace”, where he played an over the top homosexual man. What else has he really done? He’s made some appearances here and there in stuff like “Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!”, “Cat & Dogs”, and “Cat & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore”. That’s some “high-brow” work. I’m sure he has put out something good and I know he does have his fan base.

It was the same eye-roll, better than thou attitude that a lot of celebrities have about professional wrestling. Still, they take the booking and then show up to promote their shit. Meanwhile, WWE naively thinks they’re being part of “pop culture” by having these unappreciative snobs, like Sean Hayes, around. It’s not ALWAYS like this. Donald Trump, Hugh Jackman, Snoop, William Shatner, and others not only make the best of it, but respect the show and seem to be fans of at least the world they’re in. You can tell long-time fan and Sean Hayes’ co-star Will Sasso loved the experience and relished in it.

Looking forward, I’ve lost my desire to see “The Three Stooges”. I wanted to see it, but it’s the last place you’ll see me. It’s just not “low brow” enough…

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