Wrestling Retirement Wish List 2013

2012 wasn’t the best year for movies. There was a handful of “pretty good” movies and even less “really good” movies. This “Top” list doesn’t even list the best movies of 2012 because “best” is subjective. Tons of people and critics put out their lists every year as if they’re gospel. Watch whatever you want. These are the movies I dug the most in an order that makes the most sense as I type this. I’ll admit that I didn’t see everything (“Django Unchained”, “Seven Psychopaths”, etc.), but this is the best of what I’ve seen…

15.] “Nature Calls”
In a lot of the reviews and previews I’ve read it is compared to “Meatballs” and “The Bad News Bears”. I kind of/sort of get “Meatballs” because of the nature tie-in, but it’s still kind of pushing it. Is it because the rag-tag group is vulgar? That’s lazy. It reminds me of that Daniel Stern movie “Bushwacked” from the 90’s, with a little Shelly Long “Troop Beverly Hills”, mixed with a little bit of “The Passion of the Christ”. All respectively, of course. If you get a chance to see this movie I think you should. It’s a good balance of silly vulgar, over the top devices, and indie-riffic fun.

14.] “21 Jump Street”
Last summer “Bad Teacher” was released; another “R-rated adult perspective of high school nonsense”. This is NOT that. It’s funny, charming, silly, witty, tongue-in-cheek, and just a good time. The chemistry between Hill and Tatum was hilarious and I’m all for them doing more stuff together. This movie is already a success and they’re already talking about a sequel. Count me in.

13.] “Hit and Run”
Dax Shepard has a great bounce of dialog that actually reminds me a little of Kevin Smith and a little of Woody Allen. I’m a fan of the wordy introspective humor and there is plenty of that here. It’s just a smart movie that doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s not a sappy movie or anything, but there is more substance to this movie than a lower budget comedy like this would have. It’s either super artsy indie film or cheesy low rent non-classic “National Lampoon” movie. There is a very remarkable balance here and it’s going to pay off in the end. It’s too entertaining and good to not get noticed in the long run. Either way, I want to see more Dax movies in the future.

12.] “The Comedy”
Independent film is starting to become a mirror to the whole “Wall Street” fiasco. There is a 99% and there is a 1%. The 99% is putting out the blockbusters like formulaic clockwork and seeing A-list actors put out 100 million dollar movies under the guise of “indie”. Meanwhile, the “outsider art” of film is being buried in the internet. Tell your friends. This movie isn’t perfect, but it’ll linger on your brain for longer than you’d expect. It needs to be seen.

11.] “Safety Not Guaranteed”
A great cast with great performances, a great script, and just a great independent movie. If this isn’t given some props come award season and at least a stepping stone in everyone’s career then there is no justice. If you enjoy good movies then you should see this. If you’re holding out for a “great” movie then you might as well see this too.

10.] “The Avengers”
The action is good, the story is good, and the movie watching experience is good. More than good even. I understand why this movie broke records. The viewing public was groomed to eat this movie up. It’s not just empty hype and great advertising though. There is substance here. I’m hoping we get more and more. Comic book movies have no right being this good. It’s not the artistic masterpiece that was “The Dark Knight”, but I’d still hold this movie is very high regards.

9.] “Jeff Who Lives At Home”
A pleasant surprise. I was thinking it was going to be “I Love You Man” or even “Cedar Rapids”, but instead it’s better than both of those good movies. If you’re a fan of Indies, a fan of either star, or just a fan of a good 80-something minute long movie then you should watch this. I’m sure everyone can get something out of this one.

8.] “This Is 40”
I was entertained and soaked up the charm of Mann and Rudd, but this movie isn’t funny enough to be a comedy, not dramatic enough to be a drama, and not balanced enough not to notice it. Guys like Woody Allen have found that balance and Apatow is definitely in that grouping of “guys”. I think that’s why I have a higher standard for anything I see with Apatow attached. Albert Brooks’ work hurdles that “higher standard” on its own. Is it better than “Knocked Up”? Nope. Does it have tons of heart and will I watch it again? Totally.

7.] “The Campaign”
One scene specifically comes to mind. Zach Galifianakis is at the dinner table with his family and tells them to be honest and say anything bad they’ve done before the election starts and they become part of the public eye. What happens is pretty much a cut montage of the two funny kids and the great wife character all just dropping crazy bombs. The things they admit to are pretty horrendous, but you can’t help but laugh your ass off. There is the scene in the trailer where Will Ferrell punches a baby. You know it’s coming, but when it does it’s great. If you like laughing you need to see this movie.

6.] “Lincoln”
We already know what happens so the building suspense doesn’t quite jab at the audience all the much. It more-so celebrates the moment and the man behind it without really giving us too much of a story. I would have liked more backstory on Lincoln and less overly dramatic “is he going to say “yay” or “nay”?!?” Would the visual of the man giving the Gettysberg address have been so hard? I know the filmmaker went with the choice of being more casual about it, but Daniel Day-Lewis giving that speech could have been one of the best moments in film history. My nit-picks aside, I did enjoy this movie. All two and half hours of it. It was enthralling, very well done, and one of the best movies of 2012. This movie should be a viewing requirement for any American, film or acting fanatic, or anyone who wants to see Daniel Day-Lewis make us forget what our 16th President looks like.

5.] “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World”
This was a beautiful movie. If it involves Steve Carell my tough jaded exterior opens up a bit more. I am having a hard time thinking of a performance of his that I enjoyed more than “Dodge Petersen” in this. I was worried Keira Knightley. In a few of these movies the “quirky awesome girl” can just come off forced. Knightley nailed it. She was more grounded and “eccentric” than a bouncy bubble. It just made you want to see Carell and her get together all that much more. Their chemistry rocked. If you haven’t seen this movie, see it. I don’t know if you’ll like it, but it’s a movie that deserves to be taken in and digested however you’d like. Just watch it!

4.] “To Rome With Love”
There is A LOT going on, but you never feel overwhelmed or uninterested. It’s a mutli-layered and surreal romantic comedy. What seems so simple and cutesy on paper is actually one of the best written and collage-type movies I’ve seen in a long time. The loaded cast put their A-games on the camera and Woody’s writing is as sharp as ever. It’s really “art” in the way that the more I think about it the more I appreciate it. There really wasn’t a weak link between the four stories captured and the style it was presented in was remarkable. A lot of people heralded “Midnight In Paris” in reviews and award nominations. I was one of those people. That and this are different movies for sure, but the quality is on the same level. I went into it not really expecting much and was blindsided with reminder of the fact that Woody Allen is the king of the screen. This is a movie that needs to be seen and appreciated.

3.] “The Dark Knight Rises”
I don’t need to get into the plot of this movie. I’d be wasting people’s time. If you’ve seen it you know it and if you haven’t you need to experience it for yourself. There is so much heart and soul in this movie that it’s crazy. Every character has a strong presence and purpose in the ongoing plot. There was no really over the top performance like “The Joker”, but the layers of subtext is amazing. Christian Bale brought the same level of acting he has brought his best of roles to this outstanding performance. We all know, love, and care for Batman but Bale brought it to a level of humanity and desperation that should go down as the best superhero performance of all time. I know that’s a crazy statement of hype and some big hyperbole, but it’s true.

2.] “Moonrise Kingdom”
The Michael Bay crowd would hate this movie and not understand it. Thankfully, Wes Anderson doesn’t seem to be making movies for those people. He has developed a nice niche in the filmmaking business that allows him to work with cool people, work in cool locations, and continue to make what he wants to make. If you watch this movie and don’t appreciate it then you’re just wrong. Cut and dry wrong.

1.] “Argo”
There have been tons of “buzz” around this movie. The critics and movie nerds are saying this film is going to take some of the big awards come award season. After going into it without really getting too caught up in the hype, I can honestly say I agree. This was a great movie and should be seen, acclaimed, and appreciated. The performances were top notch, the direction was great, the story was inspired, and pretty much everything about this movie was no less than great. If you get a chance to see this movie then I recommend you take advantage. It’s a fun ride and tells a story that has to be seen to believed. Great film.

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