Mike vs. Easter

Why are we celebrating “Easter”? It’s a religious holiday and as an American country we’re SUPPOSED to separate “church and government”. I’m all for any excuse for families and loved ones to gather and eat good food, but the social enforcement of the holiday is a bit pushy. The main story is the resurrection of Jesus and Christian folks celebrate that. Other faiths have their own versions and celebrations as well. It goes on and on. Everyone has a reason and excuse. I’m not an anti-social heathen or anything. All of these celebrations and beliefs are perfectly fine, but is it fair to consider it a “Holiday”? At best, it’s merely a “new season” and that in it’s simple self is cool enough with me. At worst, your lord and savior’s origin story validates the existence of zombies.

But for realizes, are we just celebrating the mythos? Is the bunny, eggs, fake grass, and all of those weird traditions worthy of its own “holiday”. So you’re telling me that we, as a society, are perfectly cool with putting tons of focus and attention on a day that’s main purpose is to eat candy and worship a magical bunny rabbit?

Um… yeah… that’s cool, bro…

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