Soup-or-Bowl I

I’ve grown tired of the hoopla. The “big game” has really lost it’s luster. Maybe it’s just me, but I think the Super Bowl is getting to be the “big lame” more than the “big game”. I know that sounds cheesy and it is, but I can’t think of any other creative way of saying that the Super Bowl has become a bit stale.

There were a few decent commercials, but nothing really blew my mind. The half time show ended up being better than I thought it’d be and the general hype machine around the game was pretty general. Despite all the attention the game was pretty much a run of the mill deal.

One thing that stood out to me was the way the announcers spoke about Peyton Manning and how horrible some people can be.

The rules of football have become a bit strained. Every other play is reviewed and commercials come whenever an announcer takes half a breath. The announcers don’t really do the game justice. On this last game they just seemed to be waiting on the edge of their seats to be able to praise and love Peyton Manning. No matter what happened, we had to have a quick shot of Manning’s facial reaction to it. Slowly and surely, the game was set in stone and the fate of the beloved hero was bestowed on us.

Seattle was booked in this game as the “heel”. It’s mostly because of Sherman’s crazy victory speech in the conference finals, but most of the country was getting behind the “good ol’ boy” hero that’s Peyton Manning.

Afterwards I saw someone’s Facebook status where they were tagged in a relative’s post that was sad about the Broncos losing but was happy that “Sherman was put in his place”. WHAT PLACE IS THAT? He’s a Super Bowl Champion. He went to a top notch college and had great grades. He’s not a dumb man. He might have been overly excited and hyped up, but I’m still trying to figure out what my friend’s aunt thinks his “place” is.

These same people get crazy about the first amendment when they want to defend the free speech of an ignorant redneck character on Duck Dynasty. A man can spew some hate about a whole group of people and these stupid people jump at his defense. Then when an excited football player brags about his success after a big emotional win then he needs to be “put in his place”.

It’s not just one stupid person. I’m 100% sure this can all be said in a big blanket statement to cover plenty of ignorant people. This was a common theme. If an athlete shows confidence and brags themselves up they are “cocky” and need to be “put in their place”? Yeeesh! I’d just like to go on record and give a big F-U to these backwoods, hypocritical, Duck Dynasty-supporting scum bags. I know liberal folks can get carried away and over the top sometimes too, but is there ANYTHING worse than a pretentious hillbilly?

This is why I wanted the Broncos to lose. When you’re in Indiana you’re forced to see these types of people cheer on Peyton Manning for years. Now they cheer on Peyton AND the Colts because they get their cake and get to eat it too.

I’m pretty sure certain red states considered posting their flags at half post after the loss.

At least that cocky Sherman fella with the higher education, more money, and better health got put in his place…

In history as a Super Bowl Champion.

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