"The Videography of Franz Ferdinand"

There are certain bands that we all like that just don’t catch on as much as we enjoy them. We listen, we love, and we wonder why EVERYONE isn’t enthralled with the same appreciation as we are. One band that I think falls into this category is Franz Ferdinand.

I’m a huge fan of Franz Ferdinand. I think their “Tonight: Franz Ferdinand” album is one of the best albums I’ve heard in the past ten years. I always dug the singles like “Take Me Out”, but after I heard that “Tonight” album my mind was blown. From there I went back and relistened to the other albums. It’s good stuff. I know they have success and what not, but I think they’re better than the status they’re bestowed upon. That’s just my preference though.

One cool thing about this band has been their videos. Today I’m going to check out the fifteen music videos that Franz Ferdinand has made over the past eight or nine years. Enjoy!

”Darts of Pleasure”

Album: ”Franz Ferdinand”
Director: Scott Lyon
Year: 2003

We start off with a video I’ve never seen before. We get close ups of the inside of a mouth being brushes as Alex gets ready. He walks down the street and goes into a warehouse area where he sings and meets up with the band already playing. It’s a normal rock out in a warehouse type of video but we keep getting POV shots from inside the mouth again. It’s a pretty interesting take. And we get euro-trashy chicks working out? I like this.
Rating: 8.0

”Take Me Out”

Album: ”Franz Ferdinand”
Director: Jonas Odell
Year: 2004

Everyone knows this song. The video rocked and was on a constant loop. At the time every video was doing this kind of chopped and cropped clip art 80’s retro thing. To me, this was the video that did the first and did the right. Jonas Odell’s work in this video is awesome. I think I’m just desensitized to just how awesome it is now that I’ve watched it like five million times. If you haven’t seen this video, watch it NOW. It’s seriously a rock music staple of modern times. If you enjoy rock and roll of any style and don’t enjoy the hell out of this song then you’re unworthy of owning ears.
Rating: 9.0

”The Dark of the Matinee”

Album: ”Franz Ferdinand”
Director: Chris Hopewell
Year: 2004

Despite me liking this song, I don’t think I’ve seen the video. It has the same sort of old school trippiness to it, but then it gets really artsy. I really like how the classroom shots look. They get some boarding school girls to dance around too. I’m in! This video had to have taken a long time to make because it’s awesome shot and awesome effect after awesome shot and awesome effect. It’s innovative, but doesn’t take itself too serious. I’m amused for sure.
Rating: 8.0


Album: ”Franz Ferdinand”
Director: Uwe Flade
Year: 2004

This song is NOT about me. The video starts with the band in a black room in black blothes being jerky with really quick and intense cuts. This is another video I’ve not watched. It’s a darker image than I’m used to with these guys, but I welcome the variety. The video is a bit surreal. Lots of people looking blankly in the same black outfits. They’re doing nothing special. Just sorta hanging out. The band rocks out though. Things get crazy at the end.
Rating: 7.0

”This Fire”

Album: ”Franz Ferdinand”
Director: StyleWar
Year: 2004

This was another big hit for the band. I recall this being in decent rotation and used in a lot of random promo stuff. The video is in the same vein as the “Take Me Out” video. It has the weird surreal, but old school vibe to it. It reminds me of weird 3D model characters from old PSone video games mixed in with more ironic clip art type of stuff. I like it because I like the song and dig their vibe, but in comparison to their other videos it’s a bit of a rehash.
Rating: 6.5

”Do You Want To”

Album: ”You Could Have It So Much Better”
Director: Diane Marel
Year: 2005

Another radio hit. The video is fun. It starts off in a weird Beatles retro thing and then goes into the band being somewhat obnoxious and drunk at the camera while they roam around what looks to be a really cool art gallery. It’s well done, its fun, and it’s a good song. No complaints about this one from me.
Rating: 7.0

”Walk Away”

Album: ”You Could Have It So Much Better”
Director: Scott Lyon
Year: 2005

I’ve never seen this one either. It seems like a much more laid back video. They play in sweater vests in a small room and records. We get a cut to a weird black and white noir-like story of the band in detective-like outfits chasing Alex and a woman. It’s really well done. I’m a big fan of the stuff in the weird crumbling graveyard. I know I have to sound like a big ol’ fanboy at this point, but I do really like what I’m seeing here. The end is trippy as hell. Really well done.
Rating: 6.0

”The Fallen”

Album: ”You Could Have It So Much Better”
Director: Alex & Martin
Year: 2006

The band marches in silhouette against different color backgrounds and then crazy old text-style cuts. It’s a simple video. They obviously just rocked out in front of a green screen all day and let their editor take care of the rest in post. It’s simple and still looks good, but again on the Franz curve it’s a bit subpar. Song rocks though.
Rating: 6.0

”L. Wells”

Album: ”You Could Have It So Much Better”
Director: Blair Young
Year: 2006

A woman runs in black and white around an old city. She roams around and seems to be really enjoying herself in a truly free spirit. The video is really well shot. It’s basically a collage of the woman’s emotions in relation to the tone of the song. Its cut really well, it looks good, and it’s a good song. It just doesn’t go anywhere for the three and half minutes of listening. Not every video has to have a narrative, I suppose. Some things are better left to interpretation. Then again, I’m probably missing the point.
Rating: 6.0

”Jeremy Fraser”

Album: ”You Could Have It So Much Better”
Director: Scott Lyon
Year: 2006

Drugs. I’m pretty sure drugs have SOMETHING to do with the video. It’s pretty crazy and weird. Zombie looking droid kids march around and harass one specific zombie looking droid kid. There’s also a weird makeshift war scenario in here. This video is really hard to describe. It reminds me of Pink Floyd “The Wall” and just about everything Spike Jonez has directed. It kept my interest, but it’s not really a repeat viewing video for me. Too unsettling.
Rating: 6.5

”Eleanor Put Your Boots On”

Album: ”You Could Have It So Much Better”
Director: Chris Hopewell
Year: 2006

Wow is this cool. It looks like water colors or something a cross between paper dolls and 1970’s animation. The story I a woman falls deep into the sea and rushes through an underwater world before spiraling back out and onto the Statue of Liberty. Yeah, it’s weird… but it looks awesome.
Rating: 7.0

”Wine in the Afternoon”

Album: ”You Could Have It So Much Better”
Director: Blair Young
Year: 2006

The SEVENTH and final video of this specific album. It’s candid footage of young hipster types getting out of bed and instantly pouring themselves wine. They get dressed, have fun, “share some cool hipster moments” like painting a chair blue, painting themselves blue, riding bikes, getting haircuts, wearing fedoras, and playing with recording equipment. It’s well shot and well done, but nothing too out there.
Rating: 6.5


Album: ”Tonight: Franz Ferdinand”
Director: Dylan Southern & Will Lovelace
Year: 2009

This is the best song of Franz Ferdinand’s entire catalogue. It’s one of my favorite songs… of all time. The video captures the band doing their thing in a gritty night life world. Prolly New York. They rock out in a motel room and on a dive bar stage. Then we find them in a laundry mat. Then down the street and to the desert. It’s one of those “random things happen” type of music videos. It’s well shot and looks cool, but not a whole lot going on here. The song however is GREAT. If you don’t agree, you suck.
Rating: 7.0

”No You Girls”

Album: ”Tonight: Franz Ferdinand”
Director: Nima Nourizadeh
Year: 2009

I have seen this video numerous times and I’m a big fan of it. These guys rock because of their music and their style. This is true. Yet, I think we sleep on the fact that they often put a lot of attractive women in their videos. They DO know what’s up. The band performs in an open studio space while woman in really crazy outfits record them and dance in unison. As the song goes on, the video gets funkier and swankier. The bridge/breakdown towards the end is really weird. A golden angel woman? Whatever. It’s cool. It somehow manages to let us watch the band and still be creepy voyeurs as we watch the women… who are also being creepy voyeurs. It’s a welcomed paradox.
Rating: 8.0

”Can’t Stop Feeling”

Album: ”Tonight: Franz Ferdinand”
Director: Russell Weekes
Year: 2009

It appears to be simple, but this video is pretty damn intricate and awesome. I’ve never seen a video utilize transitions like this before. It’s like a really bad ass Sesame Street video. It’s a silly video, but it’s good. I was always surprised and 80’s band didn’t do a video like this. I like this video a lot. It’s creative as hell.
Rating: 8.5

I am bias as hell. I admit this. I’m a big fan of this band and their sensibility and style is something I’m fond of. That said, I’m sure that effected my enthusiasim over the videos and songs. But the truth is that I’m a fan for a reason. The band is awesome though. They make catchy, non-bland rock music. Their videos are more often than not creative or in the least really well done. The collection of videos here is pretty damn impressive. Even if you’re not a fan, you have to at least respect some of the more unique directions they’ve had the balls to go with. For the most part it’s all tongue-in-cheek art rock, but that’s my cup of tea. I hope it can be yours too, but either way thanks for watching and giving this band a chance.

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