"The Videography of The Kills"

I don’t know all that much about The Kills. I want to say I listened to one of their albums like five or so years ago. Nothing really stood out to me at the time. I know they’re an artsy type of band. They’re one of the “cool NYC” type of bands from back in the day. It’s what we’d call “a ‘The’ Band”. So basically, I never really had an officially opinion of them. Today I’m going to watch their music videos and take in their stuff.

Before I get into it, I’m going to make some bold predictions. I’m going to predict that they have at least two black and white videos, old NYC indie hipster stuff, big sunglasses at least four times, and something with a dragon. Let’s see how genius I am…

”Fried My Little Brains”

Album: ”Keep on Your Mean Side”
Year: 2003

It’s black and white. It’s got a hard contrast and it’s full of scratches and grain. It almost looks like each frame is a print. The energy and music make it easy to take in. The fact that it’s just over two minutes long doesn’t hurt it any either. Nothing too new here, but I like the way it’s done. Good stuff.
Rating: 7.0

”Kissy Kissy”

Album: ”Keep on Your Mean Side”
Year: 2005

I looked around and it seems that this is the only video version of this up on their record label’s site so I assume it’s an official live video. It’s very lo-fi and stripped down. You can tell it’s not shot with the best camera, but it works. It shows off the smokey, chilled out vibe that I assume their shows bring. It feels too “fan shot” be “official” though. I think I’m missing something. Regardless, this makes me want to check out one of their shows sometime down the line.
Rating: 6.0

”The Good Ones”

Album: ”No Wow”
Year: 2005

Black and white. Another crazy artsy throw back. The duo rocks out in what seems like an art exhibit. There is a mountain of TVs behind them, pretentious hipster socialites being hipsterish all around them, and quaint little randomness. About a minute fifteen in, the color pink starts to drip around. I like it. It’s got an erratic feel to it. It feels panicked and chill at the same time. The break down with the crazy dancing and splatters is crazy. By two and half in, we’re in color and things are even more surreal. I’m into the artsy side of rock. I love when a good song takes on a inspired and new approach at a “simple music video”. Andy Warhol would have clapped after seeing this video.
Rating: 9.0

”Love Is a Deserter”

Album: ”No Wow”
Year: 2005

The band rocks out in an isolated location sorta reminensant of a submarine. I say that mainly because all the transistions in the video have a liquid warp type of effect. It’s nifty. I’ve never seen it done quite like this before. By the middle of it I’m almost feeling sea sick, but I keep watching.
Rating: 7.5

”No Wow”

Album: ”No Wow”
Year: 2005

The band hangs out in a white background setting. The dude takes pictures and the chick seems impatient. Then finally, she approaches the mic and sings. Ever since Nine Inch Nail’s “March of the Pigs”, I’ve had a weird appreciation for “white room” music videos. I like the way the video is shot and edited, but it never really explodes like you expect it to. It just sorta teases you for a few minutes. It’s almost anti-climatic… I get it! There is “no wows”! Ha! So far, it’s my least favorite of the bunch. It’s still not horrible though.
Rating: 5.5

”U.R.A. Fever”

Album: ”Midnight Boom”
Year: 2007

Crazy looking video! It’s surreal, artsy, and intense. There are layers upon layers, crazy TV shots, split screen madness, and a lot more to cover. It’s only two minutes and eighteen seconds. It’s a buffet of great visuals. I wanted more. I can’t give it TOO high of a grade because it’s too short. I’m upset about that.
Rating: 8.0

”Cheap and Cheerful”

Album: ”Midnight Boom”
Year: 2008

This video is similar to “U.R.A. Fever”. There are a lot of weird layers and “old looking” cuts. It’s vintage NYC in the late 60s. There is a lot going on here. The song is catchy and the video works well for it. I’m amused and entertained throughout it. It’s one of those videos that you MUST watch on one of those late late nights. I liked it.
Rating: 7.5

”Last Day of Magic”

Album: ”Midnight Boom”
Year: 2008

We start with a bruised and beaten up band and then it cuts to what I assume are flashbacks of them beating the shit out of each other mixed in with a candid little live performance. It’s mildly graphic, but it’s pretty passionate and different. I really like the attitude and vibe we get from this video. Intense.
Rating: 8.0

”Tape Song”

Album: ”Midnight Boom”
Year: 2008

More “washed out and old looking” shots. It seems like it’s just the band being silly and playing music. It looks like it’s supposed to feel spontaneous, but it seems pretty conceived. There is a little cameo of Jack White in there so that’s cool. It’s not their worst video, but it doesn’t really do it for me. It’s too 90’s on purpose.
Rating: 6.0


Album: ”Blood Pressures”
Year: 2011

I’m instantly drawn into this video. After a half dozen or so videos that looked like they were Warhol era inspired this is a breath of fresh air. It’s crisp, clear, well shot, and seems to have some sort of narrative or story in there. The song is incredible. I can get behind his one a lot more. It feels like it comes from a more organic place. I dig the direction and shots too. It’s not the best video ever or anything, but I’ve looked at worst videos for sure.
Rating: 8.0

”Baby Says”

Album: ”Blood Pressures”
Year: 2011

Their most recent effort is more in vein of their “Satellite” video. It doesn’t rely on a whole bunch of filters. It’s simpley shot and to the point. The cuts look really good. The content and narrative seems a little random. Crossdressers having a get together? Is the leg shaving and suggestive stuff supposed to be ironic or edgy? It’s well done, but just a little meh. It’s not the content, just the fact it didn’t seem to really go anywhere.
Rating: 7.0

So I was right for the most part. I didn’t see any dragons, but I knew what I was getting into without really knowing. Sitcoms be damned. I judged a book by its cover and was right. I enjoyed it though. They did overdo the Warhol art school vibe on some of the videos, but overall the quality of their music videos is easily up there with the best of them. I’d even go as far as saying that their videos are even better than their music. I probably won’t remember many lyrics, but I’ll remember certain scenes and aspects of their videos for sure. Good videos.

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