Week In Review 3/16/14
Digital Lizard Productions in review for the second week of March 2014.

Digital Lizard Productions had another awesome week! We would like to thank EVERYONE. Not just the people who have been there from the start, who have supported us through the dark times, who have watched and engaged in the content and art we’ve shared and the casual well-wishers. Digital Lizard Productions thanks those people from the bottom of our dark comedy hearts. Even more so, we like to the people who have said we’re wasting our time, the folks who smile with condescension as we proclaimed dreams and goals beyond the pale and anyone who had any amount of doubt in us. The energy fuels us. The positive is rewarding and always taken with genuine gratitude, but it’s that doubt and that negativity that drives us. Basically, we like screwing with people.

This week:
• I was featured in a small news snippet in this past Sunday (3/9/14)’s edition of The Times in Northwest Indiana. It’s a simple one line acknowledgement that I’m officially the “Executive Producer” of Digital Lizard Productions LLC. Then BusinessWeek.com reprinted the article. That’s cool stuff, if you ask me! I’m really flattered to see my face in the biggest and best local newspaper and my name on one of the biggest and best business websites in the world, but the best part of it all was seeing the words “Digital Lizard Productions LLC” in print. As we move forward the corporate structure of DLP LLC will be established and announced. • "Keith Evans: Local Hero", the 40+ minute FREE comedy special, continues to get tons of views and love. If you haven’t watched it yet, check it out! It’s Keith’s first comedy special so it’s pretty interesting. He has developed leaps and bounds since this night in 2012, but it’s still got some pretty damn hilarious bits. Share your favorite jokes and bits on our facebook!

Speaking of social media, it’s now an official “mission” of ours.

• The written word! I’ve put together another hand full of rambles, rants, reviews, and brain vomit. “The Savage Animal” covers the first part of the Top 20 NIN Videos. This week’s “Worst Case Scenario” is a fun look at what would happen if the WWE had its own Theme Park.There’s also a rant about St. Patrick’s Day, a new movie review featuring a look at CBCG, and a new preview review.

Stay tuned! There is some cool stuff coming in the next few weeks….

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- DLP News
- The Savage Animal
- Random Movie Review
- rant/n/rave
- PreView:ReView
- Worst Case Scenario

- The Moving Men
- All the Love in the World
- Upping The Ante
- Behind The Lifted Veil (doc)
- Local Hero (stand up special)

- First World Answers
- Rockstar Wrestling
- Unpaid Programming
- DLP Presents...
- Nocturnal Emissions
- Maniak Moments
- Stand Up Suicide
- Random Videos

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